Mischa – Balaklava

During the Cold War, Balaklava was one of the Soviet Union’s best kept secrets. It was not even shown on Soviet maps. It’s narrow winding harbor is protected by cliffs on all sides, making it virtually undetectable from sea. Balaklava became the world’s first and only underground submarine base, home to the Black Sea Fleet for over thirty years until it was closed following the collapse of the Soviet Union. What does this have to do with Mischa? Nothing at all, but it is an interesting bit of Cold War Soviet history!

Lera – Rebel

Lera is rebellious by nature. There’s a sense of defiance that creeps into her poses when she works in front of the camera. The resulting style is hard to categorize. It’s a little bit playful, a little bit pensive, and a little bit coy all at the same time. Such complexities make Lera one of the more challenging models to get to know, but also one of the most rewarding.

Mischa – On the Riverbank

Gentle, lovely, mysterious and sexy, Mischa photographs beautifully in nature. Her long, willowy figure and flowing, sun streaked hair compliment this shaded forest scene perfectly. The softness of her skin and the firmness of her magnificent breasts complete this scene of summer tranquility. Very nice!